
Class jobs

Age group

6-8 years

Primary CMS area

Area 3 – Finding and accessing work

Other CMS areas

Area 4 – Managing life and career 

Unit Description

The unit aims at  helping children to:
  • understand that everyone must take on tasks and responsibilities so that a community operates
  • understand that the class  is a small community that also works with the contribution of the students themselves

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the class’ needs
  • Identify the tasks, individual and collective, that everyone must carry out so that everything works well (in accordance with the pupils’ needs)
  • Define the tasks  to be associated to the jobs
  • Take on small responsibilities for class management
  • Choose and accept the assignment  and the tasks to be performed
  • Carry out the tasks related to the job  undertaken  with responsibility
  • Establish the period for carrying out the assignment so as to guarantee the rotation for all the students or at least a good part of them
  • Self-evaluate the work carried out both at the level of personal and group assignments
  • Self-assess the assignment and the related tasks in order to  highlight problems or propose improvements / suggest procedures

Activity Name



The teacher will read the story THE COUNTRY WITHOUT RULES “Would you like to live like you want without having to obey anyone, without respecting any prohibition, doing everything you like? (…) Allegropoli is a rather particular country: its citizens do not respect the rules, because they do not like the rules: they find them annoying. (…) Mr. Zozzoni is walking with his dog on a leash. Boby poops on the sidewalk, but Mr. Zozzoni does not want to bend down to pick it up, although the Mayor has put around the signs ordering it, with bags and pallets. Dr. Irritati does not notice and puts a foot on it … “(story taken from THE RULES TOLD TO CHILDREN by G.Colombo & M.Morpurgo, Edizioni Feltrinelli Kids) The teacher will ask the pupils what are the places where they can be together (family, school, …) and will focus on family first asking the question ” what should be done in order to make family work?”. The teacher will then focus the pupils’ attention on school and will ask the question: what should be done to make school work well? At this point the teacher will focus the discussion on the class, asking the pupils to think of what could be done to make their class work well. Once the need to assume small responsibilities for class management has emerged, the pupils will be encouraged to find activities to which everyone will have to commit (shared and individual tasks) to manage activities. For each assignment the tasks will be identified and a poster will be created (see proposal below)


Proposal for the billboard: the sachets could be made of paper and the title of the billboard changed to I TAKE CARE OF … (clean the desks, rearrange them before going home …)

Activity Name



The second activity will start by assigning the tasks to be performed for the functioning of the class; the names of the children in charge of carrying them out will be inserted on the billboard made in the previous activity, precisely in the envelopes . Every pupil will be given a card, prepared by the teacher, with his/her name and the “job” he/she will perform. Once everyone will have performed his/her job, each pupil will be asked to self-assess how he/she performed the assigned task, pasting one of the following symbols on the back of the card:

I did my job well

I did my job quite well

I could have done my job better

At the very end (the pupils may perform their jobs also for the entire school year) each one will receive a “SUPERCLASS” certificate. The meaning of SUPERCLASS will be explained as “class in which each pupil contributes to the well-being of others” by: – keeping the library in order – organizing the games corner – keeping the class organized – etc …
