
Skill Goose Game

Age group

8-9 years

Primary CMS area

2. Managing relationships (interrelational skills and communication skills)

Other CMS areas

1. Personal effectiveness

Unit Description

This unit works cross-cutting competencies in a gamified way through a board game that collects the working life and professions of a Collaboratively, students put into play different personal skills, which help them explore the world of professions.

Learning outcomes

General objective:

  • Know and identify the various cross-cutting skills linked to specific work situations and linked to the trades that are presented through the game.

Specific objectives:

  1. Identify trade characteristic of an Olympic stadium, hospital, hotel, school, shopping center, factory, theater, construction space, orchard and farm, city square, airport, police station and fire station.
  2. Understand the role that cross-cutting competencies play in the different workspaces of the game and understand the dimension they address inside and outside the workspaces. 
  3. Break with the social relationship that is established between certain professions and the gender of people, knowing the various characters who work in the city.
  4. Become aware of the different occupations that exist
  5. Promote cooperative work.
  6. To promote creative and expression capacity through mimicry. 
  7. Promote the freedom of future non-gendered professional choices

Activity Name

“Skills goose game”


The activity is carried out through a board game in which participants will be able to explore the working life and trades and professions of a city, putting into play knowledge and competences.

It should be noted that two activity implementation formats have been designed: face-to-face and online. In-person: Each team (4-5 people) starts the activity by placing the tab in the start box and depending on the number indicated by the die, advance that number of boxes The board has the general structure of the traditional Oca game but incorporates a set of adaptations. This game is cooperative, you must collaborate between the whole group to earn maximum points. The goal is to get the maximum of cards that show the professions of the different spaces that make up the city (the competency cards should not be added).se).
The game ends when a team reaches the final square of the board. That is when they review the cards obtained by each team. The number of cards will determine the level achieved by the group (described in the game instructions). Cards can be obtained based on the passing of different types of tests (mimicry, explanation of the profession without using any words or reading a specific definition), in a limited time. If you fail the test, the profession card must be returned to the pile, without displaying it, at the end of the pile and will pass the turn to the next group.
The board also has squares that will show different cases where the workers of the city have put into play (or not) a specific work competition during their work. These boxes will allow you to advance (or not) in the group path.

Digital: In this case, although the activity is also carried out as a group, it is the teacher who is responsible for managing the board, spins, etc. Likewise, the typology of tests can be simplified, adapting to the context of the game (i.e. if done in person, but with digital resources or online). See instructions.

Learning materials

  • Skills goose game
  • Skills goose game (on line).


Activity duration 60 minutes:

  1. 10 minutes – Preparation and introduction to the activity
  2. 35 minutes –Play with Skills goose game
  3. 15 minutes – Reflection and closing of the activity

Role of the Teachers

The teacher will facilitate and supervise the activity, manage the time necessary to carry out the activity.


1. Personal effectiveness

  • – I am able to set my professional goals myself.
  • – I am able to reflect on my strengths and take into account my weaknesses.

2. Managing relationships (interelational skills and communication skills)

  • – I interact confidently and effectively with others.
  • – I establish professional relationships and networks that favor my (future) career.

The evaluation of the activity will be continuous, during the game will use the observation to define whether the objectives initially raised are being achieved through it.

At the end of the activity, it is proposed that students be able to brainstorm with the professions and competencies they have been able to know through the game.
