

This project aims to create 6 intellectual outputs to improve career learning in primary schools. 


A methodological framework for career learning at school.

Data from more than 200 questionnaires and focus groups will be gathered to collect emerging needs, training needs and guidance resources for career learning in primary school in Europe. This output represents the rationale for the development of the other project outputs. 

Danish version

Italian version

Romanian version

Spanish version

Turkish version

A training course to help teachers improve career learning at school.

The project will design, develop and test innovative teaching methods to enhance the skills of teachers in this field. The training model proposed in the book will focus on specific areas of competences related to career learning, decision making, self-reflection and guidance interventions.

A series of career learning units for primary school pupils.

The project will create a series of educational units to be used by teachers and school counsellors. These will be a set of proposals for career learning interventions for pupils and will include materials, video-tutorials, guidelines for teachers and evaluation tools.

English version

Danish version

Italian version

Romanian version

Spanish version

Turkish version

Go to the units

An educational game.

This output consists in an educational game to introduce and support career learning in primary schools.

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Download the supporting map

A comprehensive handbook for teachers and school counsellors.

This resource will represent a practical resource to help teachers and school counsellors understand the methodological framework and effectively use the learning units developed in the previous outputs. The handbook will offer working sheets to support teachers in the implementation of age-appropriate activities and will define learning outcomes. 

English version

Danish version

Italian version

Romanian version

Spanish version

Turkish version

A European virtual training course to help teachers improve career learning at school.

This output represents an innovative training opportunity to present the project outputs across Europe. Schools and other stakeholders will be involved in a day of training. This will take place in different schools in Europe and will include web seminars and presentations from all the partners.