Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey Language: English English Türkçe 0% default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Language: English Türkçe Change the language JOBLAND Questionnaire This questionnaire has been created as part of an Erasmus+ funded project called JOBLAND. The project involves 9 partners from all over Europe and aims to develop tools and resources to help improve ‘career learning’ in primary and lower level secondary schools. Career learning is about helping children to understand who they could become and helping them develop a healthy sense of self that will enable them to reach their full potential. Career learning includes teaching activities aimed at improving the pupils’ knowledge of the world, the understanding of the their own learning potential and at inspiring future plans. The results of this survey represent the starting point of the project and will contribute to all project outputs. We are interested in knowing more about what teachers think of career learning, about what is being done in schools and about teachers’ needs. Your response to this survey will remain confidential – neither you nor your organization will be identified or identifiable in reports written from the results of this survey. Answering the questions should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Please try to answer each question. By continuing, you confirm you are happy to contribute to this survey. Next Load unfinished survey ×